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Team Members

Dr Peter Smith

Dr Peter Smith


Subject: Self-care in the UK. Developer and overall curator

1. President, The Self Care Forum. 2. Hon Senior Research Officer, Imperial College, London.

Prof Jan Hartvigsen

Prof Jan Hartvigsen


Subject: Self-care in chronic pain

1. Member Guideline Development Group for WHO Guideline for Management of Chronic Primary Low Back Pain in Adults in Primary and Community care Settings

2. Executive Committee Forum for Research in Back and Neck Pain in Primary care

Gonçalo Sousa Pinto

Gonçalo Sousa Pinto


Subjects: *Self-care (international) *Self-care and pharmacy practice

Lead for Practice Transformation, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

David Skinner

David Skinner

BSc.(hon) CAE

Subject: The Seven Pillars of Self-Care

Current posts:
President, International Self-care Foundation
Senior Associate, Global Public Affairs
Principal, Heuristix Consulting

Prof Greg Kawchuk

Prof Greg Kawchuk


Subject: Self-care in chronic pain

Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine - Physical Therapy, University of Alberta

Prof Nikos Ntoumanis

Prof Nikos Ntoumanis

CPsychol, FBPsS

Subject: Self-care & behaviour change

Co-Director of the Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science (DRIVEN)

Prof Jon Adams

Prof Jon Adams

BA(Hons), MA, PhD

Subject: *Complementary and Integrative approaches *Self-care in the community

1. Distinguished Professor of Public Health, School of Public Health, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
2. Fulbright Senior Scholar, Fulbright Commission
3. Deputy Head of School (Research), School of Public Health, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Prof Marcelo Demarzo

Prof Marcelo Demarzo


Subjects: *Promoting wellbeing and wellness; *Complementary/Integrated approaches; *Self-care management of Long Term Illness; *Self-care in Health Service Settings.

1. Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine – Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Brazil
2. Head of the “Mente Aberta”- the Brazilian Center for Mindfulness and Health Promotion
3. Senior Fellow of the International Complementary Integrative Medicine Research Leadership and Capacity Building Program (Australian Research Centre for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM))

Dr Austen El-Osta

Dr Austen El-Osta


Subjects: *Self-care measures; *Self-care theory

1. Director, Self-Care Academic Research Unit (SCARU), Imperial College London 2. NIHR Advanced Research Fellow at Imperial College London School of Public Health 3. Director & Trustee of the International Self-Care Foundation (ISF)

Dr Catherine Jenkins

Dr Catherine Jenkins


Subject: Health Literacy

1. Vice-President, EUPHA Health Literacy Section. 2. Public Health Professional Development and Research Officer, Institute of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University.

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